REVISION DATE: March 1st, 2021
1. How we’re ensuring our staff know how to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19
Screen everyone who enters the church. The screening will use the latest tool from the Ontario Government website
Ensure self-isolation for staff with symptoms or who answer Yes to any screening questions
Ensure people maintain a physical distance of at least 2 meters
Everyone entering the building must wear a properly fitting mask
Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects
Ensure hand hygiene by providing sanitizing stations throughout the building
Encourage frequent handwashing
Remind staff about good cough and sneeze etiquette and to avoid touching their face
Ensure our COVID-19 safety procedures are up to date by a daily review of the Ministry of Health guidance
All staff and volunteers are required to know and comply with: Current Hamilton Public Health COVID-GUIDANCE – COVID-19 Guidance for Places of Worship latest version.
Post all information of the above latest guidance in the form of a poster at the church Main Entrance. Online at
Encourage everyone to download and use the COVID ALERT app as far as practicable
2. How we’re screening for COVID-19
Staff must be actively screened using the COVID-19 SCREENING TOOL each day prior to entering the building. Results can be sent to Staff who fail the screening must remain home and not enter the building.
Everyone entering the building, other than for a baptism, funeral, wedding, or in-person worship, will be required to self assess using the appropriate Screening Questionnaire and recording the necessary information on the Contact Tracing Sheet
Everyone entering the building for a baptism, funeral, wedding, or in-person worship will be assessed by an usher using the appropriate Screening Questionnaire. The necessary information will be recorded on the Contact Tracing Sheet. In addition, the body temperature of the person will also be taken by the touchless thermometer and recorded.
For those answering Yes to any of the screening questions or if their temperature is higher than the recommended maximum, as stated in the questionnaire, will not be granted entry and will be advised to go home and self isolate and contact their health care provider or Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) for advice.
3. How we’re controlling the risk of transmission at Trinity
Maintain a physical distance of at least 2m between people
Entrance into the building will be limited to the Main door leading to the narthex
Use hand sanitizer when entering the building and as frequently as required
Use washroom for hand washing as frequently as required
Everyone must wear a properly fitted mask to cover the nose and mouth at all times
Follow the Trinity safety plan
Be subject to the maximum number of people limited by the current Provincial Guidelines and Hamilton Public Health. These limits may be reduced to ensure physical distancing
Support good hand hygiene by providing numerous hand sanitizing stations throughout the
building. All hand sanitizers and soap dispensers are checked periodically to ensure they are filled. An extra supply container of hand sanitizer etc are located in the narthex
Support respiratory hygiene through the provision of a free facemask/face shield at the Main entrance.
Implement a no food/drink policy inside the church. The kitchen has been closed and coffee hour has been suspended
Staff should only be present to carry out the necessary duties at the church
The Trinity Custodian should reduce transmission of COVID19 virus from surfaces and objects by frequent cleaning/sanitizing of high exposure touch areas including but not limited to washrooms, pews, office, handrails, door handles, light switches, photocopier, etc. by using the recommended/listed sanitizers and recommended sanitizing procedures
All pew cushions have been removed from the sanctuary
All Bibles, Books of Praise, and paper materials have been removed from the sanctuary and narthex.
There will be no congregational singing
There will be no physical sharing of the peace
Celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be postponed until further notice
4. What we will do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at Trinity
If you have symptoms, been exposed to Covid-19 or notified by Covid Alert App of exposure to Covid-19, you should follow the advice found at:
If a staff member calls in sick, informs of having symptoms or informs they had close contact with someone with symptoms, have them take the self-assessment. Ask the staff member to follow any recommendations given by the tool, including being tested and self-isolating.
If any staff, congregant, visitor or contractor shows symptoms while in the building, they should return home and self-isolate immediately. If they cannot leave immediately, they should be isolated in the Board Room until they are able to leave
If the person is critically ill, call 911 and let the operator know that they may have COVID-19.
Contact the Hamilton Public Health Services (905) 546-2489 for further guidance. Public health will provide instructions and do contact tracing if needed
To support contact tracing, provide the following information about which people had close contact with an affected person:
dates and times of interactions
approximate length and frequency of interactions
full names
contact telephone numbers
addresses (for staff or congregants) or the name of the visitor’s business
In all cases, the minister, board chair, clerk of session will be notified. If there is a Covid-19 positive case, programs will be suspended indefinitely and the custodian will be directed to thoroughly disinfect the facility
5. How we’re managing any new risks caused by the changes made to the way we operate our facility
A reopening committee was established. Before implementing new procedures, risks are assessed by the committee to eliminate and manage as needed to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, congregants, and visitors. Should any new risks arise, they will be evaluated to ensure a safe and satisfactory resolution is attained.
Communicate changes with staff, session, board and congregation as required
6. How we’re making sure our plan is working
Committee will meet monthly, or as frequently as required, to discuss the effectiveness and efficiency of our Covid-19 Safety Plan to ensure information, procedures, policies, and communication lines are up to date and functioning to protect the staff, volunteers, congregants, and visitors
COVID-19 safety plan – snapshot
Business name: Trinity Presbyterian Church
Date completed: March 1st 2021 Revision date: March 1st 2021
Measures we’re taking
How we’re ensuring workers know how to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19
Maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres
Wear properly fitted mask
Knowledge and compliance with current Provincial and Municipal regulations and guidelines
How we’re screening for COVID-19
Conduct health screening for everyone person entering using Provincial Government questionnaire
Check and record the screening results and retain for one month
Deny entry of any person into Trinity who has failed the health screening
How we’re controlling the risk of transmission in our workplace
Maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres
Wear properly fitted mask
Limit maximum of people in the facility as per current Provincial and Hamilton Public Health guidelines
Frequent hand washing/sanitizing
Frequent cleaning/sanitizing all surfaces and occupied areas including washrooms
What we will do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at Trinity
Follow current Public Health advice (905) 546-2489
Self isolate and self assess and contact health provider
Provide a temporary safe isolation room (Board Room) for any person unable to leave immediately
How we’re managing any new risks caused by the changes made to the way we operate our facility
Maintain close communication with staff, session, board and the congregation, as appropriate to the changes made to current procedures
Collect and evaluate any comments, ideas, suggestions received and implement as necessary
How we’re making sure our plan is working
Monitor and ensure all the safety measures are taken in accordance with the safety plan
Modify the safety plan as required